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Developer experiences from the trenches

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Bootstrapping Your Linux and Mac Shells

Mon 07 August 2017 by Michael Labbe
tags code 

Between the cloud, VMs, Docker and cheap laptops, I run into more unconfigured shell environments than I ever did before. In the simple old days you used to get a computer and configure it. You reaped the productivity of that configuration for years. Nowadays environments are ridiculously disposable. The tyranny of the default has become incredibly powerful.

I decided to take the power back and create a self-installing bootstrap script which I could use to configure any new system with a Bash shell. This ended up being a one-day hack that has made my life a lot more sane. My requirements were:

  1. It must self-install and self-configure without needing to type any commands.

  2. It must be accessible everywhere from an easy-to-remember URL so I don’t need to copy/paste.

  3. It must optionally let me choose how each system is configured.

  4. It must run anywhere — inside stripped down Docker containers, etc.

To build this, I decided on using Bash scripting. Perl, Python and Ruby are not always available. Bash, while not quite as ubitquious as /bin/sh and Busybox, is close enough.

Makeself creates self extracting archives. You can download a shell script that unarchives to a tempdir, running a setup script with access to a hierarchy of files. This is exactly what we needed.

In order to centrally host the bootstrap script, I used Amazon S3. S3 buckets have notoriously long names, but Amazon gives you the ability to use a CNAME for a subdomain that you own. This means I could use a subdomain like that is backed by S3, guaranteeing the bootstrap is accessible virtually anywhere in the free world.

What remained is a long day of enjoyable hacking that produced a set of very personal dotfiles, emacs tweaks and sed manipulations that converted a basic install into something as usable as my most tweaked workstation.

Now I have a chained command that is similar to the following which highly configures any Linux instance:

rm -f;
chmod +x ; sudo ./

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We built Frogtoss Labs for creative developers and gamers. We give back to the community by sharing designs, code and tools, while telling the story about ongoing independent game development at Frogtoss.